A bladder infection: recognize, cure and prevent! –

One in four women does suffer from a bladder infection between the ages of 20 and 40. Men also suffer from it but less than women. This makes a bladder infection a common problem. But how do you know if there really is a bladder infection, what is the cause and what can you do to prevent it. These designs will be discussed in this blog.

Cause of a bladder infection

A bladder infection is caused in ninety percent of the cases by a bacterium called E. Coli. This bacterium is naturally present in the intestinal flora, where it does not cause any problems. It ensures a healthy intestinal flora. When this bacterium enters the urethra and attaches itself to the mucous membranes, an inflammation occurs in the urethra. The bacteria then multiply so much that the infection can reach the bladder. This can cause pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urination and a burning sensation when urinating. These symptoms are often unpleasant and annoying.

A bladder infection can spread easily when the immune system is weakened. As a result, our body is unable to eliminate the microbes, allowing the bacteria to multiply and make us sick. The cold reduces blood flow in the mucous membranes, which promotes bladder infections.

They always say too much is never good and this also applies to the hygiene of your genitals. When you suffer from a bladder infection, it is about the pH value of the genitals. This pH value can increase by, for example, using perfumed soap, which makes it easier for the germs of the mucous membranes to penetrate. Another common cause of a bladder infection is regular sex. This can stimulate the mucous membranes and, moreover, the bacteria can more easily enter the urethra due to the mechanical friction.

The highest risk groups and risk factors are shown below.

Risk groups:

  • Women between 20 and 40
  • Pregnant women
  • Peri- or postmenopausal women
  • People with diabetes
  • Older men
  • People with a bladder catheter

Risk Factors::

  • Frequent sex
  • Stress-weakened immune system
  • Exaggerated intimate hygiene
  • Hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause)
  • Low fluid intake

Symptoms of a bladder infection

  • Have to urinate often
  • Burning sensation when urinating
  • Painful Cramps
  • Cloudy, unpleasant-smelling urine
  • Unwanted urine loss

How can you avoid a bladder infection?

  • Drink plenty of fluids (at least two liters a day).
  • Do not use regular soap for your intimate hygiene, but products that are specially adapted to your intimate area
  • After washing or using the toilet, wipe and dry from front to back, in other words towards your back, not towards your vagina
  • Peeing after every intercourse
  • Avoiding cold and damp on the genitals
